USA Map  

USA - Colorado

Business class flight BA299 from Heathrow to Chicago. Seat 13K in front row so lots of leg room and sitting by myself. Little personal tv set 4” by 3” on which you could watch 9 channels from sports, movies, mtv, etc. Watched Indecent Proposal and Groundhog day. Food served on porcelain with silver cutlery. Welcomed on board with orange juice and had Chablis, chardonnay and champagne. For lunch, we had lobster, fennel and green bean salad followed by grilled lamb cutlet and fillet steak with thyme and rosemary butter, hot bread and salad. Fresh fruit for dessert and coffee, port, cheese and biscuits. An excellent meal which had its desired effect of making me sleepy, although only slept for 4hrs or so. Afternoon tea was a selection of sandwiches including crab salad, turkey and farmhouse cheddar, followed by a fresh fruit tartlet and coffee.

Arrived in Chicago with 45 mins to catch our 2.5hrs flight to Denver and after checking in bag made my way to UA concourse C which took about 20mins. The BA business class flight and service was much better than the 1st class on UA. We had leather seats which were not as comfortable and the food was not as nice.

Melodee picked us up at airport and we waited for Ian’s wife who had taken another flight. Went to Alamo to pick up car rentals. I got an Oldsmobile which I didn’t like and finally got a Toyota Corolla the next day. This came with all the extras: air conditioning, cruise control etc.. (fully loaded as the yanks would say). I got lost by following the wrong tail lights, but finally made it to apartments with the help of instructions supplied by leasing office. After stowing my gear in apartment, went out with Melodee and Ian to Bennigans for a meal and drinks. Like Pinkertons in Swindon (English/America pub). Picked up groceries at 11:30pm and got to bed about 1am.

Got up at 12:45 and Melodee, Ian and I went to change cars. At 7:30pm we picked up Charles and went to Bennigans which is near work and met up with a few more Brits (Karl Banford, Mick Hawkins and 2 others). Had a few drinks and then went to Gradys for dinner and I made the mistake of ordering an entree (crispy chicken – yum) and a main of Porterhouse steak with baked potato with a bowl of butter & chives, cheese strips and bacon bits. I was stuffed at the end of this. All washed down with Samuel Adams lager. Got home about 10:30pm.

Colorado is from the Spanish term "color red" or "reddish color" and was first given to the Colorado River and then to the state. It was the 38th state to achieve statehood and has been called the Centennial State because it was admitted to the Union 100 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

02nd Oct Saturday

Picked up Charles and headed for Aspen on I70 stopping at Lookout Mountain, which overlooks Denver and Golden and watched parachutists jumping from nearby hill. Buffalo Bill (William Cody) the famous scout was buried and died in 1917 and wife buried near here. Took I70 to highway 91 and stopped in Leadville at High Country restaurant for lunch where I had an open sandwich of corned beef and sauerkraut. On the walls were the heads of a number of animals. A 23lb 10oz trout, an 8-pointer deer shot from 5ft with a bow and arrow. Leadville is a legendary frontier mining town with seventy square blocks of Victorian architecture and an adjacent 20 square miles of mining district. The famous Younger Gang lived here; Doc Holliday had his final shoot-out here with Billy Allen; Bat Masterson and the Earps were here.

On to Aspen and stayed at Molly Gibson lodge in a $112 a night room given to us for $79.00 A most impressive room with stereo, video. Etc. Went out to have few drinks at a bar called the Ute City Banque where I partook of a couple of beers (double diamond), a hoppy drink like NZ DB and then on to an Italian restaurant called Mezzaluna. I had a seafood pasta dish with scallops, mussels etc. Had profiteroes with chocolate and vanilla ice-cream for dessert.

Aspen is an expensive place to buy things. I was tempted by a leather jacket until I looked at the price ($885.00). Managed to find a couple of sweatshirts at $19 each. Aspen as its name implies is set in an abundance of Aspen and Silver pine (or fir) and the colours are truly spectacular,. They range in colour from cream to orange and driving to Maroon Bells (red rocks and mountain peaks shaped like bells), the greenest of lakes has a backdrop of Aspen and pine, below snow capped mountains peaks and looking the other way the red rocks mountains were incredible. Stopped and fed some Yaks. Stopped in Leadville on the way back for coffee and roast beef open sandwich.

Crossing Independence pass took us through winding roads to a point 12085 feet above sea level. The lack of air made me tired and when we walked it didn’t take much to have me panting at the continental divide. Stopped on the way back at Red Rocks where the natural amphitheatre in the foothills was the setting for a U2 concert and site of U-2's 'Under a Blood Red Sky' video. It seats 10,000, is 25 miles from downtown Denver. It was build in 1939 and took 12 years to construct.

7th Oct

Weather changed from 83F to 50F within a day with rain today. Although light, the day is dull. Temperature got down to 42F. Picked up Charles and went to 16th mall, a mile long mall. Went into a place called Brook stone and tried out a Shiatsu massaging chair, which massaged by back and neck. What a terrific feeling ($2500). There were some interesting shops and bought a suede jacket ($112). Went to Radisson for a few drinks and it was like a Simon re-union. Since I was driving I left early, picked up a McDonalds on way home.

10th Oct

32F. Took a trip to Boulder. Walked through Pearl Street mall. Stopped in at Vspace where I tried out a Virtual Reality simulator where you shoot up to 3 other players and watch out for the Pterodactyls circling overhead.

14th Oct

Went with Andrea Meanor ( a beauty working on my shift), Dan & Ken to Charlies bar (parker/Havana) for a drink after work at 08am. Played a couple of games of 8-ball with Dan and was beaten, but was a good game. Natalie (bar-keep) kept us supplied with drink. I had 3 rum/coke and we had breakfast of eggs, ham, potatoes, along with some interesting chat. Andrea has a low self esteem which is a shame as she seems so self-assured. I find Denver people to be very open and direct which is certainly refreshing.

15th Oct

Went to US air force military academy and watched retreat, saluting and lowering of flag. Drove to the Garden of the Gods where there were red rocks of various shapes like kissing camels, a balanced rock. My intention was then to drive to Canon city, but got on highway 24 in wrong direction and ended up at Woodland park before I figured it out, so stopped for McDonalds and headed back to Manatou Springs and stayed in a somewhat seedy motel which smelled musty, but I was so tired I didn’t care.

16th Oct

Up at 09am and after showering and getting coffee and doughnuts, took the cog railway ($20.50) to Pikes Peak which took takes in 1.5hrs of the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever seen with craggy rocks atop spruce, pine and fir, etc and snow covered peaks. The peak was named after explorer Zebulon Pike who was sent to explore the area. The scenery was absolutely breathtaking from 14,000 feet up. The train (4 diesels) rides on a cog and inches along at about 10 miles an hour. The air is thin and I was huffing a bit before climbing back aboard after 35 minutes of freezing my butt off. But the views were certainly worth the discomfort. Next on to Manatou cliff dwellings… The Manitou Cliff Dwellings is located in Manitou Springs, Colorado, at the foot of Pikes Peak, the mountain that provided the inspiration for the writing of America the Beautiful written in 1893 by Katherine Lee Bates. The cliff dwellings are authentic Anasazi cliff dwellings preserved under a protective red sandstone overhang. Built more than 700 years ago. The cliff dwellers, ancestors of the Pueblo Indians, were among the first civilized inhabitants of Colorado, and what remains of their culture can be seen at Mesa Verde National Park located in Montezuma County in the southwestern section of Colorado. Anasazi is an Indian word for "Ancient Ones". What became of them remains a mystery, but the Anasazi disappeared from their cliff dwellings about the year 1300 A.D.

Next on to Cripple Creek and after being unable to find accommodation, I checked into Holiday Inn ($96) for a king-size room. The “Gold Rush” began in what is now the Cripple Creek – Victor Mining district in 1891 when a cowboy names Bob Womack discovered gold in Poverty Gulch. Within a year the population was 2500. By 1896, 10,000. In 1896 the town was virtually destroyed by fire and was rebuilt with brick replacing the wood framed buildings. With a population of 25000 in 1900, it was the 4th largest city in Colorado. Cripple Creek was known for its gambling houses and saloons. In 1920 the population was less that 5000 and in 1950 less than 1000. Tourism began in 1950 and the charm and history of Cripple Creek began a new industry. In October 1991, gambling became a reality again and Cripple Creek once again became a thriving city in the mountains. Checked out a place called Mollie Kathleen Gold Mine, a authentic 1891 Gold Mine. Met a guy called Bob and went into town together on a courtesy bus and spent the night playing BJ and slots. Tried Bison and wasn’t impressed. Dry beef, I suppose. Came out about even all up, although up $80 on BJ when I quit first time. Even got a 240 (25c) jackpot on slots. What a mug. Got home about 2am.

19th Oct

Finished work and went to Charlies bar for pool, drink, breakfast and conversation. Went with Danny Vigil, Ken Staley (ex Air NZ), Simon Indge, Justin and ?. My game was better and finally beat danny. Met some interesting people from the local hospital ICU department. Ken, Gina, Jodie, who had just finished nights. Jodie was from Louisiana and seemed to be trying to convince somebody that she was married. She was a real cute lady and quite a talker. I fancied her and Ken tried it on tactfully. Drinks talks. I left at 1pm, tired and slept really well until 8:45pm.

21st Oct Thu

Slept until 5pm. Went to Caldonias for a meal and drinks. Tried chicken, links, ribs, and beef with coleslaw & fries. Met the most interesting woman from LA originally. A beautiful person and I thought my luck was in until her friend Frank turned up. He was alright and from Chicago. Lisa was exciting, beautiful, brainy. I think I’m in love. She is a horse rider and country and western fan. Also a Broncos fan. Got home at 11:30pm. While at bar, I watch world series baseball final between Toronto Blue Jays and Philadelphia on large screen.

23rd Oct Sat

2nd shift of 7am-7pm which I am doing instead of Sun-Wed 10-8 shift. It was Miche’s 40th birthday and over here they celebrate with black balloons, cake, napkins, plates. We even wore black armbands. Watched what was to be the final world series game with Toronto getting 3 home runs in last innings to win 8-6 and 4-2 in the series. This was the 2nd year in a row, so hat trick possible.

27th Oct Wed

Changed car as they have to service them every 4 weeks and got a black Toyota Corolla LE as I am used to driving this. Wes going to go away this week, but after doing double shift, I was really tired, so relaxed at home.

28th Oct Thu

Went driving and bought as shell suit at Mississippi and Peoria. I got home at 7pm and it was sleeting. At 8pm when Ian picked me up the ground was white and it was really snowing. We headed for Bennigans to meet up with Dave Morrell and John Tasker. Met Charles and his friend Corrie (crackin’ blonde). John, Dave, Ian and I had a couple of beers then went to eat at Gunther Toody’s diner, a 1950’s style diner with a beautiful corvette sitting over the bar. Ian had a burger that must have been as big as a saucer and I had chicken marinara and fettuccini, delicious and and large as is usual for an American meal, followed by the most delicious milkshake I have ever tasted with real strawberries. Leroy the waiter very loud and friendly. Snowing harder now and 31F as we headed for Shotgun Willies where 8 stages set up with all manner of women stripping. Chairs ringed the stages and you could put $notes in their skimpy g-strings. Fluorescent lights accentuated their tans and the girls were certainly fit and double-jointed some of them. Just before we left, Candy Cantaloupe appeared on stage with the most ginormous 115” pair of breasts. She got a guy on stage and painted his upper torso with fluorescent paint with the words “Eat Me”. $7 cover charge, $4.50 for Heineken. Finally got home at 11pm and thankful that Ian drove. The snow was still falling, but was so fine, but it fell rapidly and on tv they said that 2” had fallen in 4hrs or so and to expect 2-4” overnight.

19th Nov

Drove to Canon City to wonder at the marvel of as 1053 foot suspension bridge running 1/4 mile across the Arkansas river. Stopped in Castle Rock on the way and bought some clothes. Arrived in Canon City at 4pm and paid $4.50 entrance and $1.00 for deer food. The deer are very friendly and poke their heads through the car window and eat from your hand. I think they like salt because they lick your hand. Walked to the edge of the gorge and it scared the hell out of me. You can walk, drive go by tram or go to the bottom of the gorge in a sort of train. I met John and partner from Arvada near Denver. John was as nervous as I was about crossing. Finally after some persuasion, I was talked into crossing with them in their truck. We drove at 10mph across the wooden slated bridge and the rocking up and down did nothing to quell my fears. I felt a little better on the return with some positive talk. Stayed in Canon City overnight and fed at the Village Inn on steak/shrimp, salad with caesar sauce and followed this up with Pecan pie with as crispy caramel crust and ice cream. It was heavenly.

Train No. 486 was one of the last narrow gauge locomotives purchased by Denver and Rio Grande Western RR. Built by Baldwin locomotive works in 1924. It saw service as passenger and freight engine in Gunnison, Salida, Alomosa and Durango in Colorado and Farmington in New Mexico. The Denver and Rio Grande narrow gauge rail network contributed to the early development of Colorado and West.

Left Canon City 10am and headed out of town. Drove up Skyline road atop mountain, a narrow road with incredible views. Nervous again, but positive talk helped. I stopped at gorge again to get some better photos as it was getting dark the previous trip. I got in for free after telling the woman I’d been there yesterday. I then took highway 9 through beautiful mountain scenery, passing through Hartsel, Alma, Fairplay and on up through Breckenridge and Friso to I-70 where I headed east to Blackhawk and Central city. The drive from I-70 to Central city down 119 mountain road was a nightmare with narrow roads and non-stop traffic, Tried to make my week-end pay by stopping at casino, but no luck so headed home, tired and hungry and slept like a log.

06Dec Monday

Left at 1pm and traveled 285 and 50W to arrive in Gunnison at 6:30pm. The drive down was spectacular, the scenery of snow-covered mountains and plains. The 4X4 was a bit gutless and it was very thirsty. Checked into Ramada ($38.30). Went to Cattlemen’s Inn and had fillet mignon with salad, fries and washed down with a Samuel Adams and Miller Lite. I hadn’t had fillet mignon since leaving NZ and it melted in the mouth. It was absolutely heavenly. Watched again the English version of Brahm Stockers Dracula with Anthony Hopkins and Winona Ryder and directed by Francis Ford Coppola.

07Dec Tuesday

Left at 10am and planned to go to Crested Butte to do some skiing as they had a promotion for free skiing and lesions for new skiers, but at Almont decided to take a side trip to Taylor Park reservoir and then take a loop road to another reservoir, but got completely stuck in the snow covered road. After about an hour decided to walk to nearest house (3 miles down road). Started walking, got mad, tried one more time and it came unstuck. Thank god. It was 1pm and really cold and I really thought I was stuck for good. As I couldn’t turn around, I had to back up for about 3 miles or so, so I could turn around on a side road. I was getting a little short on gas so drove to Created Butte and after looking around, decided to head for Montrose, stopping to look at Blue Mesa reservoir and Black Canyon. Got to Montrose about 6pm and booked into Log Cabin motel ($24) owned by a lady with NZ friends as she had photos and kiwis all over reception. Room was large but basic. Had dinner at Red Barn. Fillet mignon again with baked potato, salad and washed down with Winterfest which in only brewed in winter. Slept well except for being woken by a cat I’d befriended which kept meowing.

08Dec Wed

Left 10am and took 550S, which is known as the $1million highway, to Durango. “Take my breath away” was playing on the radio and the towering red and snowy cliffs did just that. Stopped in Ouray, situated in a box canyon, as I hadn’t had breakfast and had coffee and a slice of pizza, followed by carrot cake. Grocery Store (Cascade) was the home to a bulldog and a pair of masked ? love birds chirping to the music, although seemingly indifferent to classical music. Staff very friendly. Carried on and stopped in Silverton which appeared to be closed, although I did see notorious Blair street with the brothels and saloons. I now know why they call 550 the $1m highway and why it took me 3.5hrs to go about 60 miles from Durango to Silverton. It’s not it being built on gold, or the cost of building the road, but the scenery. If NZ is God’s own country, I believe Colorado is God’s own state. Absolutely breath-taking. The Ouray-Silverton road passes through majestic tree line and snow covered peaks and the speed limit is 15-35mph because these are real mountain roads, winding and it’s hard to keep your eyes on the road and to not stop every few minutes to take a photo. It seems apt that I could only pick up country music on the radio, it just seemed to set the scene. Stopped in Durango and had a great time at the grand motorcar and piano collection. There were two pianos and one of them played scrolls. I was enchanted by the music of Rachmaninoffs Leibesfued, the actual performance and the part-owner played the other piano. The sound quality of both was excellent and brought tears to my eyes, literally. The cars were all classics and most in original condition. They included:

1932 Hudson Special 8 side-mounted rumble-seated Sports Coupe (brown two-tone)

1940 Studebaker President Cruising Sedan (2CTD556)

1938 Hudson 8 Country club sidemounted LWB sedan, affectionately known as "Darth Vader"

1834 Hubmobile 427T aerodynamic eight sedan (red/grey)

1936 Packard Super 8 coupe-roadster (yellowy-cream)

1959 Crown Imperial limousine, custom body by Ghia of Italy. It was 21’ long and 6100lbs with a 392 hemi under the hood. Often used carpeting pulled back to show fine fur.

1941 Buick-8 passenger sedan – special business coupe.

1906 earthquake fence movement
Fence moved in 1906 earthquake
Castle Rock santas
Castle Rock near Denver
Linda in Seattle
Linda in Seattle
Me at Golden Gate bridge
Me at Golden Gate bridge
Space needle, Seattle
Space needle, Seattle
Donner Lake, Tahoa
Donner Lake, Tahoa